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Pacha’s Pajamas: A Story Written by Nature by Aaron Ableman and Dave Room



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This animated book is blowing kids’ minds! Hovering a mobile device over the images in the book BRINGS THEM TO LIFE with animated and educational videos. Works with FREE interactive Augmented Reality app. The videos feature Cheech Marin, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Agape Youth Choir and 30 young artists.

Pacha’s Pajamas is the story of an young girl’s awakening to her gifts and purpose through active dreaming.

When Pacha goes to sleep, the characters on her pajamas guide her a dream adventure to better understand her inner and outer worlds. In this first book of the series, Pacha joins with plants and animals on her pajamas to organize the Greatest Festival on Earth… and no humans are invited.

Read the book to find out what happens when you get a world of animals and plants together to talk about Pachamama aka Mother Earth.

The book also includes a Dream Journal that provides space for recording nine dreams.

The Global Warming Express


The Earth is in peril–through pollution, global warming, oil spills, and tragic neglect of the environment. Those who respond first are the animals. There is The Fluff, a penguin; Creamy, a harp seal; Tomas, a black bear; Flora, a polar bear; and Lady Athabasca, a whooping crane, among others. Each of them has suffered from global warming and the neglect of the environment, and wants to do something about it. They jump on a magical train powered by positive thoughts and take off to let others know about the problems Earth’s creatures are facing. Soon afterward, they travel to Santa Fe and pick up two young girls, Marina and Joanna, who record their incredible trip. The group travels east (as well as north and south) and along the way finds other friends who have endured hardship from fire, drought, and hurricanes. Their final destination is the White House where they hope their call for help is heard. With this book, young readers can join The Fluff and friends on the Global Warming Express to save our beautiful planet from pollution and global warming. It will be a trip worth taking!

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